Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Enchanted Rock Editorial!

Ryan and I took our rescheduled camping trip this weekend. We spent Saturday night at Enchanted Rock hiking, caving and (accidentally) rock climbing.

Ryan took me caving because it was “easy – like walking through a small hallway.” It was not. It was totally fun – but not as easy as Ryan explained. You are crawling, squeezing, and scooting around narrow, slippery granite. You have to pull yourself up and push yourself through lots of rocks! We have scrapes and bruises to prove it!

So, we got out of the cave and laughed about how much more difficult the caves were than Ryan remembered. Ha ha. After some friendly banter, we decided to hike down to the bottom. We looked to our left: drop off. We looked to our right: drop off. Hmmmm. How do we get down … OH we have to rock climb back to the top (Ryan didn’t remember this part either).

So, Hilary “I have never rock climbed in my life why are you doing this to me” Marchbanks sets up for her first rock climb - 1600 feet in the air. No training! It was scary! But Ryan was cool, calm and collected.

When we got to the top, Ryan then admitted that he acted cool, calm and collected so that I wouldn’t freak out, but he was really worried because I had never done anything like that before. “Nothing like almost killing your wife!” he joked. I punched him (I’m kidding).

Then we talked about how much we loved life and each other. We saw a lizard and talked to him about how lucky he was to be alive. We made sweet, sweet love there in front of the tourists. (I’m also kidding about making the sweet, sweet love.)

We got back to our campsite to set up our tent. Then we hiked back up to the top for some star gazing, enjoyed a dinner of campfire hotdogs and s’mores (Ryan dropped a flaming marshmellow on his knee – scar to prove it) and hiked around the rocks the next morning.

It was a great trip!


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Ellie said...

LOL I think that was one of your funniest posts. I got to the part where you were mentioning the sweet, sweet love you made in front of tourists and I actually said aloud "Oh wow!!!" before I got to the "I'm kidding" part. :-)

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I did the same as I read abotu the sweet, sweet love! That sounds like a really good time - glad you enjoyed it!!

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad we are safe.

A word to all the men out there, don't trust your memory when it comes to caving. The caves are smaller than you remember.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Suz said...

My only caving experience has been in Colassal Caverns in AZ (with Wes & Jeff) which, as you may have guess from the name, is fairly large and roomy:)


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