Thursday, April 12, 2007

PETA Award for the day!

So, last night, I'm on the phone with Ellie. After about an hour and a half, we begin our goodbyes. Then, Ellie (in a whispering breathy kind of laughing voice) says, "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness ..." I'm little nervous that she has injured herself or something, but I quickly realize that she is laughing a little bit. "The cats have chased a rabbit into the house. Oh my goodness. The hoppy animal is probably going to nuzzle itself into my bed. How did it get in there? What would you do?" I told Ellie to make a lot of noise so the rabbit would run out of the house. She decides to call Will and remain outside until he returns home because she is deathly afraid of any and all animals other than cats. Even cute baby bunnies frighten her.

Will gets home, looks under the couch and says, "Oh it's a little bunny. Just like the Easter Bunny! Pretty cute actually. Want me to get the golf club?"

"No!" Ellie exclaimes! ::Visions of Will clubbing baby rabbits come to her head...::

"Actually I was just going to scoot it out from under the couch to the door."

"Oh. Good idea."

So, Will saved "Young Peter Cottontail" (as he has named it) even though the three ravenous cats were dissapionted.


At 4:47 PM, Blogger Ellie said...

He really was pretty cute. ;-)

At 4:53 PM, Blogger A Spirited Mom said...

Good thing you saved him from certain cat eating or golf club death!

At 6:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Now your comment a couple posts ago makes a whole lot more sense...... = )

At 7:06 AM, Blogger A Spirited Mom said...

Stephanie - that is hilarious. I posted that comment as Ellie and I were writing this other post, but then I wanted to wait on the picture. :) I forgot about it :) hahaha

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

So cute! I'm glad Pete was saved.


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