Thursday, September 06, 2007


Today we leave on vacation! This will be a jam-packed vacation filled with anxiety-inducing stunts.

We are headed to the Grand Canyon for a mule ride! That’s right- I am going to be on a mule over a cliff. Please pray on Saturday, September 8 from roughly 8:00 am – 3:00 p.m. PT. Thanks for spending your day kneeling for my safety. I really appreciate it.

Suz – if I take a hike in Arizona ON a mule, can I post about it on Cactus Country Hikers?

First, we’ll spend a night in Sedona where we’ll hike around Red Rock. Then, we head up to the Grand Canyon where we will be on a mule for seven hours. Then we head to Scottsdale to stay at a resort we can’t afford because I just have to treat myself after being on a mule for seven hours. Then, we head home.

Isn’t that a quick trip? Here are the top 10 things I am looking forward to …

10. No changing planes! This is the first time I have gotten a direct flight in a long time

9. Listening to my new iPod

8. Watching the beautiful scenery during the drive up to the Grand Canyon

7. The jokes Ryan will come up with to get my mind off the fact that I am hundreds of feet in the air on a mule

6. The Westin - those beds will be sooo comfy!

5. "In-and-Out Burger" in Scottsdale

4. Being on Pacific Time – it’s like a gift of two hours!

3. Turning around and seeing the Grand Canyon after I get off my mule – that means I survived

2. “Thai Spices Natural” – a hippy veggie curry place in Sedona

1. Zero percent humidity. (Damn! my hair is going to look soooooo good!)


At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a fantastic trip! Be gentle to the mule!


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Morgan said...

I a

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Morgan said...

I hadn't seen the photo. It looks kind of scary, but you will have FUN. I was worried about Mercedes making it through this weekend, but now I am kind of worried about you guys. Just kidding, really. Really, I am. The mules don't look scared, so that's comforting.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger hoolia goolia said...

Dudes, I am so excited for you! (and more than a teeny bit jealous...) That's going to be such an awesome trip: I love the Grand Canyon and all the surrounding cool nature stuff.

And Sedona is really fun too--it's totally a hippie town. I think some of the new agers believe that Sedona is on top of some really huge crystal that gives off fabulous cleansing vibrations or something...

I look forward to hearing all about Ryan's jokes too. And whatever nicknames you guys give your mules :)

At 8:52 AM, Blogger A Spirited Mom said...

Julia, you should be jealous ...
you should be jealous of how AWESOME my hair is going to look! Board-straight, baby!

Ryan and I have jokes about the magic of Sedona as well. I'll let you know if any hippy-supernatural stuff happens to us.

At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joke #1: So this guy starts having the reoccurring nightmares. After losing weeks of sleep, he finally decides to go see a psychiatrist…


At 4:14 PM, Blogger Suz said...

Have fun! Look forward to including your hiking recaps of Red Rock & The GC at Cactus Country:)

PS Think of it as saving money, resorts here still have their summer discounts!!!


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