Sunday, October 07, 2007

Barack Oil-Bama!

This weekend, Ryan and I accompanied Tara and Eric to the Texas Freedom Network annual gala as a guest of our ministers. There was a concert, live auction and silent auction all in the name of equal liberties for all. Ruthie Foster opened the concert and the cover band was the same one from my company's user conference - and a lot of fun to dance to!
It was great to go to this event with Tara and Eric. Tara leads a Methodist group for social action and Eric is a graduate student studying public policy, so they knew the goings-on.

At the silent auction, we all bid early in the evening - we were sure we wouldn't win anything ... Well, Tara and Eric won a framed oil painting of Senator Barack Obama (shown here)! Capturing the essesnce of Barack speaking on the campaign trail, this painting looks nothing like anything Tara and Eric have ever purchased! I hope this oil painting shows up in a future Christmas card!
Later that night, we celebrated Joe's birthday and stayed up much, much later than usual! It was great to see Joe and catch up with Bryan - in college I had lunch with them everyday. We remembered the old days like a bunch of old 27-year-olds. Happy Birthday, Joe!


At 9:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

27-year-olds plus one 26-year-old!


At 9:08 PM, Blogger A Spirited Mom said...

ha - you are the youngin'! Tell Lisa and Chase hello!

At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are many layers to "Barack in Oil". I didn't notice the peace fingers in the background the first time.



At 11:12 AM, Blogger A Spirited Mom said...

Some would say the war is over "oil .."




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