Monday, February 26, 2007

Archivy is for you and me!

Today’s post is in honor of my friend, Carol! Carol is our corporate archivist, but alas, she is leaving tomorrow for a more archivy-like position at UT (dealing with history).

This picture is not of Carol. But this is a good image of what Carol does (in my eyes). She saves old things using super-saving techniques while wearing white gloves.

Carol has many offices here filled with all sorts of corporate artifacts, magazines, watches, boards, computers, Native American bandanas, and the like.

Carol, you, your pirate jokes (aRRRRRRRchivist!), your songs, your love for Diet Soda and your cat stories will be missed!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy Anniversary!

Today’s post is in honor of my friends Mike and Amanda! They are celebrating their first anniversary today. Happy Anniversary!

Mike and Amanda enjoy fitness, being fit, working out, working out with their German shorthaired pointer, working out outside of the Extreme Home Makeover house (we're neighbors) and attending Spin Class.

I'm just kidding! Yes, Mike and Amanda are amazing athletes, but there is more to this uber-fit couple. They enjoy watching The Office, watching Texas Football, eating out at Mangia's and Chuy's (two possessive restaurants), trying out local brews, working in their yard, hearing Pastor Earl preach-it, and promoting the general coolness of the Original Milwood.

Congrats, Mike and Amanda!

Friday, February 23, 2007


Today's post is in honor of my friend, Stephanie. Today is her last day at her job! Stephanie has worked in sales for a few years at a company that sells construction products. The skills she learned at this job will make her very successful in her new job as a recruiter. Recruiting - How fun! Stephanie – I am excited for this next chapter in your life. You will meet some cool people!

Is everyone ready for the weekend? If you live in Austin, you can catch Barack Obama today at 2pm. He’ll be at Auditorium Shores.

Last night, we went to see Jim Gaffigan live at the Paramount. How funny! It was really great to see a comedian live … especially someone as funny as he is ...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It’s the end of an era!

Tonight, the final episode of The OC will air. My Thursday nights will no longer be filled with Seth “eye candy” Cohen, Ryan “brooding” Atwood, Taylor “just like Hilary in High School” Townsend or Summer “Gucci to Granola” Roberts.

The OC has kept us entertained for many a Thursday night since 2003. Luckily, I have season one on DVD to keep me company. I can relive the old days! When Marissa still roamed the halls of Harbor!

Goodbye, OC. Even though season three really sucked, you will be missed.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Equal Opportunity Employer!

Today was a busy day at work. I’m working on a press tour - I leave in less than two weeks -and there are lots of details. Whew!

I couldn’t let a day go by without sharing this news story with you! A big thanks to my friend Carol for sharing this with me.

Tama, a 7-year-old shorthair, has been named a special stationmaster at a railway station in Kinokawa, Wakayama, Japan by the Wakayama Electric Railway.

Two other cats were named deputy stationmasters at the same station. Stationmaster Tama, wearing the official cap, and two other cats often welcome passengers. They are paid in cat food.

And we thought Mercedes would never have a job! I’ll put her resume on

Mercedes “Mer-Mer” Osburn
Age: 84 in cat years
Experience: Hairballs, lizard mutation, mischievous urination and meowing
Special Skills: Ears always folded downward – very strict looking.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. I will be giving up the sweet, warm beverage that makes up at least 20% of my daily liquid intake and 90% of my soul. This sweet nectar, my friends, is coffee. Please pour a little of your morning automatic-drip out for me tomorrow and pray for my co-workers, who will be working with a very unresponsive Hil for at least the first week of the reflective 40 days. I did this once in college and it was difficult. Ay dios mio!

Are you giving anything up this Lenten season?

Monday, February 19, 2007

De Gamba!

Last night, Ryan and I attended an historical instrument trio baroque concert. It was lots of fun. We saw a voice flute, harpsichord and viola de gamba. According to Wikipedia (which is always correct!), “The viol (also called viola da gamba) is any one of a family of bowed, fretted stringed musical instruments developed in the 1400s and used primarily in the Renaissance and Baroque periods.”

The performance was so impressive, the audience clapped until an encore ensued. The majority of the crowd was much more qualified to be there then we were! The guy next to us followed along with his own Bach sheet music. It was interesting to watch even though I don't have my masters in Music History like Jonny G. :)
Although, interestingly enough ... as we were leaving we saw a bumper sticker that simply said, "7th and James." Interesting ...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Move That Bus!

If you didn’t catch last night’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition let me give you a recap. The episode was filmed in our neighborhood! Upon hearing this news, my in-laws were convinced we lived in the ghetto. But that is not so! A family in our neighborhood has six children – five of them have some form of autism. For ten days, city cops blocked off our streets while there was demolition and construction. Now the family has a beautiful new home tailored to meet their kids' special needs.

Now, I don’t usually watch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition because I cry like a baby and the product placement is so obvious it’s ridiculous. This episode was no exception (on either account).

For the family’s vacation, they went to a camp in Colorado where the kids were able to to ski, snowboard and paint. It was so sweet to see the six kids have so much fun ... by sweet I mean tear-jerking! Man, was I emotional! It really was beautiful.

As for the product placement … good Lord! Did the five-year-old’s guitar really need to have “Monday Night Football on ABC” branded on it? No. The NFL has NOTHING to do with homes or makeovers or guitars. That little gem wins the “most obvious pos-men award” from yours truly.

In conclusion, as a hard-hitting blog-journalist, I have a few inaccuracies to report. In the beginning of the show, Ty was shown riding a horse through a pasture near a pond in our neighborhood. Neither that pasture nor pond nor horse is in our neighborhood … I’m not even sure I’ve seen them in north Austin. Our homes are packed in like sardines. Next - after the bus exited off the highway to get to our neighborhood, the bus drove through a desert. There is no desert in or on the way to our neighborhood. Thank you.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Reading blogs is one of my favorite pastimes. At a happy hour on Friday, some friends convinced me to start a blog! Here it is!

Topics will range. Get ready to read a lot about current events, music, funny things that happen at my non-funny job, Austin, cheese, wine, celebrities and syndicated TV shows from the early 90's.

Today's entry: The duck with four legs! A british duck farmer has an eight-day-old duckling that has four legs! They named him “Stumpy.” Will this ugly duckling turn into a very fast swan?

Also – Britney shaved her head? WHAT? I know she was trying to loose the baby weight, but getting rid of your hair is not the way to do it. I think she should have focused on abs.